Current Recipient
- 2018
Prof. Teresa Meng
For groundbreaking research, engineering and entrepreneurial leadership to make Wi-Fi faster, lower power, and lower cost.
Past Recipients
- 2017
Prof. Norman Abramson
For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of random access wireless networking including the development of ALOHA, the first packet data wireless network.
- 2015
Prof. Mario Gerla
For pioneering contributions to mobile computing, communications and wireless networking.
- 2014
Prof. Leonard Kleinrock
For pioneering contributions to the first multi-hop packet switched radio network which formed the foundation for modern wireless networks.
- 2013
Dr. Victor Bahl
For pioneering contributions to wireless Internet broadband technologies, and for inspirational leadership of the mobile computing community.
- 2012
Prof. P. R. Kumar
For pioneering contributions to the foundations of asymptotic performance analysis of large scale wireless networks.
- 2010
Prof. Mahadev Satyanarayanan
For pioneering a wide spectrum of technologies in support of disconnected and weakly connected mobile clients
- 2009
Prof. Deborah Estrin
For significant technical contributions and global advocacy of networked embedded systems
- 2007
Prof. David E. Culler
For developing the TinyOS platform which significantly advanced wireless sensor networking research and associated applications
- 2006
Prof. Daniel P. Siewiorek
For pioneering and fundamental contributions to wearable and context-aware computing
- 2004
Prof. Andy Hopper
For pioneering new areas of research in wireless and mobile computing, driven by a unique blend of innovative academic research and recognition of its commercial potential
- 2003
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
For pioneering contributions in the area of mobility and resource management for wireless communication networks
- 2002
Prof. Randy H. Katz
For excellence in research and teaching of mobile computing systems and wireless networking
- 2001
Prof. Imrich Chlamtac
For significant contributions to the design of distributed scheduling channel access protocols and leadership in mobile communications
- 1999
Dr. Mark. D. Weiser
For fundamental contributions and leadership in developing the field of ubiquitous computing
- 1998
Prof. Robert W. Brodersen
For ideas fundamental to the emergence of low power radio frequency communications devices and systems for handheld computers
- 1997
Prof. David J. Goodman
For fundamental contributions to the theory of multiple access protocols for radio frequency communications
- 1996
Prof. Anthony Ephremides
For fundamental contributions to statistical communications theory and its application to wireless and satellite systems
Nomination Process
Nominations for the Outstanding Contribution Award should be submitted by February 15 of each year to the chair of the ACM SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contribution Award Committee, Edward Knightly, at
Each nomination should consist of the following items:
1. Name, address, phone number, and email address of the person making the nomination.
2. Curriculum vitae, including publications, of the nominee.
3. Name, address, phone number, and email address of the candidate for whom an award is recommended. Please indicate which award the nominee is recommended for.
4. A statement (between 200 and 500 words long) as to why the candidate deserves the particular award.
5. Minimum of three and maximum of five supporting letters from individuals and organizations who endorse the nomination. Names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the supporting contacts must be included.
The award is usually given annually and will be presented at one of ACM SIGMOBILE's conferences during the ensuing year following selection of a winning nomination.
Please note:
1. Self-nominations are not accepted.
2. The nominee need not be a member of ACM SIGMOBILE.
3. the nominator must be a member of ACM SIGMOBILE.
4. Nominations which did not result in a award can be resubmitted and updated in subsequent years.
5. Previous recipients are not eligible for future nominations.
6. Members of the SIGMOBILE Executive Committee are not eligible.
Selection Committee
The Outstanding Contribution Awards is the highest honor the SIGMOBILE community bestows on an individual. It is a recognition of the lasting technical contribution made by this person and the influence he or she has had on our field. The Selection Committee for the award includes the past winners and the SIGMOBILE Chair.